Seared Rice Balls, Yaki Onigiri

INGREDIENTSMakes 6 rice balls

  • warmed rice


  • Shimaya Dashi-no-moto

    1・1/2 tsp


  • ・soy sauce

    1・1/2 Tbsp

  • ・sugar

    1 tsp

  • ・toasted sesame seeds

    1 Tbsp

  • sesame oil

    1・1/2 tsp

The standard of measuring
  • 1 Tbsp (table spoon) = 15ml,
    1 tsp (tea spoon) = 5ml
  • Shimaya Dashi-no-moto 1 tsp = about 4g
    (powder type, granule type)


  1. Mix the rice and Shimaya Dashi-no-moto into a bowl. Add [A] and mix all together well.
  2. Divide equally [1] for 6, wrap the rice and shape it into a triangle.
  3. Heat the sesame oil in a pan on medium heat. Take off the wrap and sear both sides of the rice balls.