Chirashi Sushi with Salmon and Avocado


  • fresh cooked rice



  • ・rice vinegar


  • ・sugar

    2 tsp

  • ・salt

    1/2 tsp

  • ・Shimaya Dashi-no-moto

    1/2 tsp

  • salmon


  • cucumber


  • avocado


  • lemon juice

    1 Tbsp

  • egg

  • salt

    1/4 tsp

  • toasted sesame seeds

    1 Tbsp

  • chopped seaweed

    proper amount


  • ・wasabi (Japanese horseradish) paste

    proper amount

  • ・soy sauce

    proper amount

The standard of measuring
  • 1 Tbsp (table spoon) = 15ml,
    1 tsp (tea spoon) = 5ml
  • Shimaya Dashi-no-moto 1 tsp = about 4g
    (powder type, granule type)


  1. Mix [A] and pour it evenly on the fresh cooked rice. Mix boldly the rice with a spatula, fan it to cool down and remove moisture. When the top of the rice is cooled, mix and cool down it again. Continue to do that about 2 or 3 times to make sushi rice.
  2. Thinly slice the salmon. Cut the cucumber into 5 mm cubes. Cut the avocado into half, remove the seed and peel. Cut it into 5 mm width and sprinkle the lemon juice.
  3. Stir the eggs and salt into a bowl. Put and scramble it in a heated small pan to make scrambled eggs.
  4. Mix the sushi rice, cucumber, and toasted sesame seeds. Serve on a plate and make flat the surface of the rice. Scatter the scrambled eggs, salmon, avocado and chopped seaweed beautifully on it. Wasabi & soy sauce can also be added as you like.